Dental Crowns Near Me
What is a dental crown?
A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that is placed on top of yourtooth to cover the tooth. It can also be used to replace a missing toothtogether with a dental implant or bridge. A crown can be made from avariety of materials such as metal, porcelain, resin, and ceramic.
You may need a dental crown to;
Protect a weak tooth
Restore a broken tooth
Cover and support a tooth with a large filling
Hold a dental bridge in place
Cover a discolored tooth
Support a dental implant
Dental crowns for children?
Dental crowns are mainly for adult teeth but your child can alsobenefit from a crown if;
They have suffered tooth decay; which is very common inchildren.
They basically have poor oral hygiene and are exposed to decay,and you want to protect their teeth.
Types of dental crowns
Your dentist will discuss the types of dental crowns and advice youaccording to your preferences. The most common types are;
Metal crowns
They are known for their durability. They can be made of gold,platinum, cobalt-chromium, and nickel-chromium. They can last up to 15years as they are less susceptible to cracks.
Stainless steel crowns
These are mainly for children who need to protect baby teeth. Theyare temporary crowns placed while you wait for longer-lastingcrowns.
Resin crowns
Compared to metal crowns, these are generally less expensive but theywear down quickly.
Porcelain crowns
They look like natural teeth and are arguably the most appealing.
Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns
These are made of porcelain and metal. They combine the strength ofmetal with the aesthetics of porcelain.
Pressed ceramic crowns
These are similar to porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns but theyuse ceramic in place of metal.
Do you want a dazzling smile? We will give you exactly what you need.If you have a cracked, chipped, or discolored tooth, call us to learnmore about how you can benefit from a dental crown.