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Dental Exam and Cleaning Near Me in Richmond


Dental Exam & Cleaning Near Me

Your smile is the only one you have, receive the best dental carefrom us to preserve it. We offer routine dental exams and cleaning tohelp you stay on top of your oral health. Dental exams and cleaning areimportant because they help you in;

  • Maintaining healthy teeth and gums

  • Preventing potential dental diseases

  • Early detection and treatment of dental diseases

What to expect during dental exams &cleaning

During dental exams and cleaning, we check the structure of yourmouth and look for signs of gum disease as well as cancer. Here’s whatyou can expect;

Initial examination

During an initial examination, we use X-ray imaging technology tocreate images of your teeth, gums, and surrounding tissues. We alsophysically examine your jaws, cheeks, tongue, neck, face, and head tocheck for potential problems. An Initial examination is usuallynon-invasive. The initial examination also involves a discussion betweenyou and the dentist about your oral health with regard to lifestylehabits, eating, brushing, flossing, etc.

Dental cleaning

Dental cleaning involves cleaning your teeth and gums by removingplaque and tartar that build up over time and can cause tooth decay.Having healthy gums is just as important as having healthy teeth. Adental cleaning can reduce the risk of getting gingivitis (an initialstage of gum disease).

Oral cancer screening

With increasing cases of oral cancer, we screen our patients for thedisease during regular dental exams to detect and treat it early.

Schedule a dental exam & cleaning

Call us to find a dental exam & cleaning dentist near you. We arehappy to give you a dental exam to determine your oral health statusafter which we will routinely clean your mouth.

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