Teeth Whitening Treatment Near Me
Teeth whitening refers to a variety of processes that aim to makesomeone’s natural teeth appear brighter and whiter. Your teeth losetheir natural color as a result of
Consistent use of some types of medications
lifestyle habits (such as smoking)
Many different teeth whitening products are availableover-the-counter but their effectiveness is something to ponder. Thebest thing is to get your treatment from your dentist.
Some teeth whitening methods can cause uncomfortable side effects,mostly tooth sensitivity, and gum irritation. Knowing the right amountof bleach to apply is crucial. Also, the amount of time the bleachsolution stays on your teeth is absolutely important.
Teeth whitening treatments mainly come in two forms; In-officetreatments and home treatments.
In-Office Teeth Whitening
In-office treatments significantly brighten your teeth up to eightshades in a short period of time but they can be expensive!
In-office treatments require several sessions. They usually usehigher concentrations of active ingredients to achieve results.
At-Home Teeth Whitening
Common home treatments involve the use of;
Tooth whitening toothpaste – Brushing yourteeth with tooth-whitening toothpaste can brighten your teeth by one ortwo shades. They work like normal toothpaste but have additionalwhitening ingredients.
Tooth whitening strips and gels – These areapplied daily directly to your teeth using a toothbrush.
Tray-based tooth bleaching systems –Involves daily wearing of a guard-like tray filled with a bleachingagent.
When going through a whitening treatment, have patience. Your teethwon’t change instantly. Once your teeth have improved, caring for themwill help maintain the result for longer. Call us to learn more aboutour teeth whitening treatments.